A New Beginning
Q7nl1s admin


Over the past four or five years, I’ve often been enveloped by various things. Some things change over time, but what remains constant is that I am always surrounded. I have only now come to understand that life can be incredibly chaotic—at least, my past four or five years have been. Often, one thing is not accomplished before another rushes in, creating a sense of overwhelming disorder. What’s more tragic is that I’ve adapted to the chaos, even developing a method to thrive in it, and I take pride in it…

But in recent days, I have increasingly felt burdened by troubles. The reality is that I have already passed the busy phase and am gradually entering the calm part of the symphony. Yet, sudden changes have occurred—they came inexplicably, but they came nonetheless. I began to ponder, starting from the keyboard in my hand, from the moment I record this. Why am I recording? I have not yet reached the peak, so why am I recording myself? I suddenly want to answer with a term I learned recently—corrective feedback loop. When I first saw it, I imbued it with my feelings. To me, it means implementing a divergent thought error rollback from the root. Rollback means returning to the nearest fork in the road to the problem and choosing again, knowing that the previous path had issues. Now, I have made a choice. I choose to record to prevent forgetting, to prevent it from happening again. Yes, that is the meaning of recording.

What is passion? What is love? It is unstoppable. Yes, it is unstoppable…

What exactly am I passionate about, the line that connects me to something that I can love fervently from beginning to end? I want to know so desperately that I am nearly going mad. But looking at the bright side, I have at least excluded many people and things. Perhaps I have already grasped the tail of it, and this time, it will be a new beginning.






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